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Sunday 27 May 2018

6 Guided Steps to Making Money as a Teacher with Video Lesson

How Teachers Can Make Money with Video Lesson

Being a teacher, especially here in Africa appears so demoralizing that most times a lot of teachers feel ashamed to be publicly identified with the profession.  Some others are already quitting the teaching job.

And the reason for this is not far-fetched.

Aside the societal disdain and ridicule for this noble profession, teachers especially in Third World countries (Africa is core) are poorly remunerated. While many teachers take pride in raising great minds in all walks of life, the poor salary structure of teachers is the most discouraging aspect of the job they do.

Unfortunately, this anomaly is not going to be changed in the near future. So, what should teachers do to earn a good living while still performing their divinely-assigned task of raising young minds for greatness?

Teacher, look no further, the rod is with you.

Many teachers are like the Biblical Moses who had a rod that could change the fate of a nation, yet he with the people of Israel was lamenting and confused, until God spoke:

                “Use your rod”!

Dear teacher, do you know you have a lifetime wealth-building contents with you?

ü  With your wealth of intellect that has helped you teach and bring up great minds, you can build wealth. Convert it to a written content and make money out of it.

ü  Hey! What about that lesson note! You prepared it, you taught it in a way that even the dumbest child in the class could understand it.  Many are out there waiting for you to teach them, while they give you a return check.

This is the exact reason I am writing this post. If you finish reading it and fails to do something in the positive, then you have no right to ever complain of ‘my take home pay cannot take me home’!
And I choose to talk on video lesson creation because that is where your impact as a teacher could be felt more. With video lesson, your content is more practical than theoretical.

So how do you make money using what you already have?:

  • ·         Your intellectual prowess

  • ·         Your classroom materials

  • ·         Your lifetime experience as a teacher

The answers to these questions are arranged in steps for easy comprehension and assimilation.

My contacts are always here for you in case you get stucked along the way.

Let’s go…


1.    Create content

Like I mentioned above, as a teacher you are rich with contents. Think of your wealth of intellectual knowledge. Think of your classroom experiences and how you handled them over the years; think of the notes you have made on the subjects you’ve taught. What else are you looking for in content? Meanwhile, your content must have the following features:

-          Quality and original content: Remember what you are about to do is what many others have been doing. So, how do you make impact in the midst of such competitive market? Be original and let your content be rich enough to answer your readers’ questions.

-          Arrange your content: As a teacher, you understand the importance of preparing a lesson plan. What you are about to do now is not different from your routine lesson plan preparation. You can’t make a good video lesson without arranging your content in a storyboard (a form of lesson plan). This is what guides you when making your video so that you don’t lose focus or get loss of what to say next.

-          Make it more practical: You must create your content in a way that presents it as practical guide to solving problems rather than academic theories.

2.    Prepare Your Slide
For teachers, I will suggest you create your video lesson as a slide presentation rather than showing your face. The people out there need more of the contents in your videos than your face.  One more thing: Let your slide for video lesson be less wordy, but with more images that will explain your contents. Bearing this in mind, I suggest you use any of these slide tools:

-          MS PowerPoint slide: If you have Microsoft office installed in your system, you probably have this with you free.

-          Google slide: This is a free presentation tool available for every Gmail holder.

-          Canva: Canva gives you a whole world of design including a presentation tool to prepare your video lesson. And it’s always free to have an account with www.canva.com.

3.    You need a Video creation tool
This is what you need to transform your content to that video lesson you’ve been dreaming about. There are many of them out there, both free and premium. You can always find them when you search for it on Google. But I will recommend Screencast-o-matic for you. I am using it, and it is superb and very affordable.  They give you a free 14-day trial to experience how it works. With the free version, your maximum video record time is 15 minutes. But with the premium version, your recording time is unlimited. Guess what, the paid version is only $18/year. In fact, if you register through this link., you can get it with 20% off the normal price.

4.    Set up a Youtube Channel
Setting up Youtube channel is not a rocket science. Youtube is a free tool for every Gmail account holder. The most important thing here is to upload quality videos and do that consistently until you have subscribers who are now regularly looking forward to your contents.

The following tips should guide you:

-          Add keywords to help people find your channel (Keywords must be relevant to your contents). For instance, if your Youtube channel is on Classroom Tips for teachers, your keywords could be; classroom tips, teaching success, education etc.

-          Upload high quality, but moderate contents. Do that regularly.

-          Get subscribers by sending video out to the social media; interact with viewers and subscribers.

5.    Monetize Your Videos
This means allowing Youtube place ads on your video, while you earn on any click. How do you do that?

-          Go to your account on youtube.com, click on ‘My Channel’; click on ‘Video Manager’ on the top bar; click channel and enable monetization; check ‘monetization with ads’ box.

-          Get at least ten thousand total views to start earning.

-          Create a free adsense account at www.adsense.com

-          Check your analytics to know how your content is performing.

-          Market your videos- on blog, social contents etc

-          Become a Youtube partner (optional)

-          Increase your Youtube revenue with Supp.me service free.

6.    Create a Blog for your Video Lesson
Part of your monetization process must include having a blog where you drive the real traffic that would eventually turn to real life subscribers and lifetime viewers that will multiply your income in video lesson.

I want to believe that you know how to create a blog. If not, Join our #TeacherTeachTech campaign to learn more..

Or you can contact us to create for you:

·         Blogger blog (Free domain.. eg www.yourname.blogspot.com): #2500
·         Blogger blog (Custom domain... eg www.yourname.com): #6500

One more thing… the beauty of turning your ideas and classroom contents into videos for monetization is that beyond earning through your Youtube channel and your blog, you can still use the same videos created as materials for your online tutoring.

You can build a lifetime income teaching online- with a global learning community that will readily pay you for your contents.

I trust this simple guide is enough to help you get up there. We are always here with you in your wealth creation journey as a teacher.

If you need more of one-on-one coaching, I will encourage you to join our 

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