Learn how to create and monetize online courses.


Sunday 16 June 2019

10 Proven Ways to Get Massive Traffic for your Online Course

How to get massive traffic for your online course

If you’ve have been following up with this Free Online Course Creation series, you will have, by now been able to create contents for your course, having identified your target audience as well as chosen the right platform to host your online course.

But all the above steps put together won’t be enough if your course is not visible to your so-called audience target. You can see that getting massive traffic for your online course  is as important as creating contents, if not more.

So what are we talking about?

Traffic! Traffic!! Traffic!!!

Every online content creator- be it an app developer, blogger, ebook author etc- understands the place of attracting the right traffic to one’s contents.

In doing this, there are 10 ways to attract massive traffic to your online course creation:

We are going to discuss these 10 traffic tips under 4 main categories:

1    .      Free Traffic
                           Search Traffic
                           Social Media Traffic

2    .      Unique Value Proposition
                           Public Recommendation
                           Past Results
                           Personal Re-branding

3    .      Paid Promotion
                           Affiliate Marketing
                           Advert Placement
                           Search Promotion (PPC etc)
                           Social Media Ads

4   .      List Building

Attracting Audience for Your Online Course 
via Free Traffic

Here we are looking at the larger audience space.

One thing you must know is that every single day, a lot of persons are online searching for one information or the other that has the potential to proffer solutions to their spiritual, physical, marital, social, financial, academic and psychological problems.

The question now is: does your online course promise solution to any or a combination of these nagging problems? If it does, you’ll get free traffic to your online course.

How does it work? We look at it in two ways:

*     Search Traffic
*     Social media Traffic

#1. Search Organic Traffic

One way to win the free traffic coming from search engines is by writing unique contents and optimizing your contents to suit audience preferences. This is where keyword targeting comes into play.

You remember last time you searched for a particular info online by ‘googling it’, you saw a lot of search results- millions of them- and you decided to click on one of them. And there you are reading someone’s post, without the person reaching out to you directly.

The truth is that you were able to search out that content because the content creator used keywords that align with your search preference.

So, if you do the right thing, you can always make your work visible to a handful of the global audience through search.

You will LEARN MORE of this in our upcoming 
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#2. Social Media Free Traffic

Social media offers the highest amount of traffic to online contents today. There are so many of them, running in hundreds, but the most popular among them, at least for a newbie include:

·        Facebook
·        Twitter
·        Pinterest
·        Instagram

There are many others like Reddit, Quora, Tumblr, Linkedin etc. I am not going to bother you with those ones since you might not know them that well.

One key to winning the Social Media free traffic is by understanding the type of persons that use each of these tools. Think of their schedules, their preferences, their behavioral tendencies.

What is the right time to post content in each of these platforms? What form of content are they looking for- both in quality and design? If you can figure all these out and play your own part well, you’ll gain huge traffic for free from the Social media. This one has nothing to do with whom you are, but what content you share.

Attracting Traffic to your Online Course through 
Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Unique Value Proposition, otherwise called Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that describes what distinguishes you from your competitors who are in the same line of business.

It answers the potential customers’ question: why should we do business with you instead of your competitor? Why this is very important is because, no matter what you are offering as a course or any form of digital content, there are many others who are offering same product/service, targeting the same audience bracket.

So, as an online course creator, what should form your UVP? I am going to show you some novel ideas to make it work for you since you’re just starting up. Your major target here is to make your work visible enough to attract quality leads.

So, let me show you three ways to create that USP. I am sure no one has ever taught you this.

                      Public recommendation
      i               Past results
     iii              Personal re-branding

#3. Public Recommendation

When I say public recommendation, I don’t mean the recommendation given to you by the general public (who of course might not even know you well enough for recommendation). So, you shouldn’t be expecting such any time soon. What I mean by public recommendation in this context is the recommendation given about you publicly by some persons.
And guess whom those persons could be!

·        Your mentors- you’ve been a loyal student to them. Now you want to launch out with your first course, you need their recommendation. Do you now see why authors seek for some authorities in the field to write the Foreword to their books?

In fact, most of the names you see as writing a Foreword in many works did not actually wrote them. They only gave the consent that their names should be appended. And that’s enough to sell you as a superstar! Imagine Dr Kiyosaki promoting your book!

Sometimes, some of them are gracious enough to promote your work by direct involvement. Dr Kiyosaki does that for so many of his students

·        Your protégés- These are your own students, whose lives you must have touched positively over a period of time. And now they are the ones singing praises for your online course. Most of them would even exaggerate just to make sure your work sells.
Try your best to attract this level of public recommendation by mentors and protégés and you will excel.

#4. Past Results

Have you observed that whenever someone shares a content online claiming to be a great teacher, the next thing you usually do is to flip over to his/her profile, search for the type and quality of contents he/she has been posting in time past.

You’re like asking: what proves that this man knows well what he is talking about? Does he have a blog? If he has, let me find out what and how he blogs. Has he trained elsewhere- WhatsApp, Facebook forum etc, and what has been the quality of his contents?

Can you imagine what is going on here! You’re no more interested in the message, but in the messenger? Why? Because you believe, like every other person out there, that no man can give what he doesn’t have.

So, how do we trace your past work so as to approve you for the present? Better start contributing in every online forum you belong. Become a blogger and write as uniquely as you can. Let the world know what you stand for, and in that case, they would be ready to listen to you when you talk based on what they have known you for.

#5. Personal Rebranding

Another way to create a USP for your online contents is by personal branding. Even if you don’t have past record of works to refer to, or possibly no one to recommend you publicly, you can still make potential customers desire and go for your content more than they do your competitors.

Rebranding is the key!

Were you not thrilled by the design of that advert flier last time? What of seeing an advert bearing a personalized business logo? Seeing a blog post with personalized graphic works (not copy and paste) assures you that the man behind the work sure knows his onions.
You see! You need to have a unique brand by creating personalized graphics for your work.

This is part of what we are going to train on in our upcoming class, starting Monday next week.


The cost of this training is just $20 or #5000 for Nigerians. If you can’t make it before Monday, then you will have to join the second batch when the price would have gone up a bit

Part of the personalized branding here also have to do with your Social media set up. In your Social media handles, while writing your bio, let the message be same. I don’t mean it must be same sentence. Just something like this: if you mention in your Facebook bio that you’re an online content creator, let same tag reflect on your Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and other Social media handles. That’s brand uniqueness.

Attracting Quality Traffic to your Online Course 
via through Paid Promotion

Everything must not always come free. In fact, if you’re an online content creator or any kind of online businessman, and all your hope is to have everything free, be sure you can’t go that far in realizing your big dreams.

While you may start free, be ready to pay for promotion.

So how do you go about it?

You can pay to promote your online courses through any of these ways:

#6. Affiliate marketing

This can be done both formally and informally. By formal, I mean registering with some affiliate marketing platforms who recruit affiliates to promote your contents for an agreed commission. While the informal approach is meeting those you know and ask them to help promote your contents for a commission.

#7. Direct advert placement

You can promote your courses by way of direct advert placement on sites (especially blogs) that write contents that relate to your product/service offer. You do this usually with sites with huge traffic and loyal following.

#8. Search Promotion

The most typical of these being Google AdWords. You see all those Google ads littered over many blogs (in the name of Google Adsense) were product offers from merchants who registered through Google AdWords. You can do same with your online course.

#9. Social media marketing

Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook and very many othersare into social media marketing. Both this days, Instagram and its parent company, Facebook, are standing out when it comes to social media marketing.

#10. List Building

Here goes the popular saying that ‘money is in the list’. List building remains one of the most effective ways to attract the right and quality leads for your online contents. This is because of the assumption that those who join your list are likely going to be interested in what you offer after all. However this can only be true when you’re very consistent with your offer plus other factors combined.

Build a list and apply the best email marketing model to promote your offers to your list audience.

I will recommend this FREE course on List Building/Email marketing for you.


You can see that you have a lot of options when it comes to getting quality traffic for your online course.

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