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Friday 13 July 2018

E-learning Potentials for 21st Century Educators and Learners

Conventionally, e-learning is the use of electronic gadgets/tools to connect teachers and students as in a usual classroom delivery mode. But in this case, the teacher and students might be operating from different locations, yet knowledge is transmitted.
In recent times, e-learning has gone beyond the conventional to include the use of digital space in whatever means to share knowledge or interact with corporate team or business partners.

Hence, today we see e-learning taking the form of any of the following:

-         Video-conferencing

-         Online class

-         Digital downloads

-         Social media community

-         Blogging

-         Podcast

-         Instant messaging and chat

-         Webinars

-         Audio and video recordings (to be used offline)

-         Discussion forums etc

The choice of what to go for has to do with the goal and the target audience of the individual or corporate using it.

However, our main interest in this post is how e-learning benefits the 21st century teachers and learners (which includes parents who foot the bills of their wards’ tuition).

The basic digital tools schools and teachers need to kick-start an effective e-learning experience include:

-         Video content creation

-         Graphic design

-         Blogging

-         Virtual classroom (Google classroom etc)

-         School Management Software

As far as the school system is concerned, e-learning remains the 21st century best bet for all stakeholders in the education sector- school management, teachers, students, parents and the general public.

We look at the following gains of running with e-learning in today’s education

§  Cost effectiveness: Do you know that most of these online learning platforms are free, yet they offer more than one can bargain for? For learners, this is a big bet that cannot be affordably missed.

Aside the initial set up cost, which also involves training of the educators, e-learning is more cost-effective than the conventional system for schools.  

§  Global interaction: With online learning platforms, learners can learn from their peers across the globe, thereby benefitting from cross-cultural interactions that enhance learning. Educators too benefit by having an enlarged class of learners, which could mean a fatter cheque.

§  Ease of learning: Online learning offers the level of convenience never found in the offline structures. A child can still learn even when there is an adverse weather condition; at any time of the day; at his/her own pace. Same way, educators can create their lessons at any time. Scheduling comes in only if there is a specific period intended for the lesson.

§  Quality materials of different formats: The best and most updated learning materials today are online. Surprisingly, most of them are free. Moreover, these learning materials come in different formats- videos, voice, worksheets, images etc- and are prepared and taught by highly qualified professionals. Every learner group can do well with online learning solutions. With these quality materials, educators in the e-learning industry can educate better.

§  Reduction in teacher-parent confrontation: The usual bickering we experience between teachers and parents over the question of school fees drive, child’s rough handling, name them- are completely eliminated or at worst, reduced to the barest minimum in e-learning platforms.

§  Development of technical skills in learners: The continuous use of some e-learning gadgets in our classroom delivery is one of the simplest way to inculcate ICT skills in our learners. This is because, unlike in the past when they are learning about ICT (theoretically), this time, they are learning with ICT gadgets (pure practical). Besides, kids who learn with digital tools easily develop their critical thinking ability, which in turn, improves their all-round learning.

§  Self-paced: A lot of e-learning platforms today (online class, blog site, recorded audio and video etc) are built in such a way that a learner takes his cool and learns at his pace, unlike what is obtainable in the offline structure, where the high-fliers dictate the pace of the class most often. When kids learn at home, parents can easily be part of the learning process, which helps them to understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses, so as to remedy it.

To make e-learning work in schools, especially in developing countries like most countries in Africa, three basic needs must be met, namely:

Ø Training: The entire teachers, including the management staff should be adequately trained on the use of digital tools required for effective e-learning.

Ø Team: Effective running of e-learning in schools require the formation of a dedicated team to drive it. Such team must be adequately equipped to produce result for real.

Ø Tenacity: Consistency and progressive improvement is the key to driving an effective e-learning structure in schools.

We are running a training campaign on the use of digital tools for schools and individual teacher.

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