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Friday 15 May 2020

Creating Wealth in Crisis Time: SFI Template for Teachers

How to create wealth with SFI

Do you know that a lot of persons create wealth in crisis time?

At the same time when many others are moaning, mourning, worrying and complaining and existing businesses collapsing, new businesses are springing up, while others are making more money.

What makes the difference? The perfect understanding of what works in a crisis time.

Crisis time always bring about changes in how things are conventionally done, be it in business, academia etc. If you can understand that paradigm changes and align with it, you’re most likely to succeed in a crisis time.

Covid-19 and the current global crisis

We are living in the most critical time in world’s history. Covid-19 pandemic has devastated our world. But be sure of this: it’s not the end of the world!

One thing this Covid-19 pandemic has done is the collapsing of the macroeconomic structures, thereby crushing the controlled economic systems of the world.

But we have to understand this: while wealth is leaving the coffers of a controlled economic system, it is nonetheless moving into another hand- the private citizens of the world.

The begging question now should be, “How do I position myself to share in this transfer of wealth?” 

This question should matter so much to teachers, who are majorly in the low income bracket. In fact, if this pandemic lasts (as it is likely), many teachers don’t have any other source of income to sustain themselves and their families.

This is the time to create wealth!

Wealth Creation Models that Work

It’s not every kind of wealth creation model that works in a crisis time like the current Covid-19 pandemic. Remember, government policies and guidelines at such a time as this would have bearing on people’s choices and behavioral changes.

In the last few weeks, there are unprecedented rise in online search for ‘money-making opportunities’. Hence, if you have idea of how to create a genuine income, this is the right time to promote your offers.

Within this same period too, there has been a steady rise in online purchases. Businesses that have online spaces have recorded a massive boost in sales.

Do you also notice that a lot of persons are searching for ‘how tos’ articles on growing businesses, learning a relevant skill for survival etc.

What does the foregoing teach you as a global citizen; more so, as a teacher in the low-income ladder?


In this post, I show you a system that you can trust to give you all these.

SFI Template for Wealth Creation

SFI, which stands for Strong Future International is a debt-free network marketing company located at Lincoln, Nebraska USA. It has been in operation since 1998. Currently SFI has over 9 million active affiliates from over 190 countries of the world. SFI remains the #1 wealth-creation platform in the world today, with its multi-dimensional ways of creating wealth for its affiliates.

While there are quite so many ways to make money with SFI, for the purpose of this post, I am going to show you the simplest template that works. If you follow the guide I am going to show you now, there is a 99.9% guarantee that you’re going to be on top.

Follow these steps (religiously):


    ü  Get your $20 ready. It can be in form of Bitcoin, Credit card, TC, Gift Certificate etc

  • ü  Sign up FREE here: sfimg.com/FREE

  •      Carry out the initial registration processes (you'll be sent the video immediately after registration)

  • ü  Purchase the LaunchPack (sold at $19.9). The retail price of this pack is over $50. It’s only available to new affiliates at the listed promo price. That’s why you can’t afford to miss it.

Once you have purchased the LaunchPack, you will instantly have the following:
*     Automatic qualification for Executive Affiliate rank
*     Access to ECommergy platform for 30 days
*     10 Free Astro Auction (1 each for 10 days)
*     40 T-Credits
*     50 Rewardical tokens
        15 CSAs

What does each of the foregoing perks mean for your wealth creation target?

1.  1. By qualifying for Executive Affiliate (EA) in your first month, you qualify to share in the Executive Pool for that month. Read this post to learn more about Executive Pool.

2.   2. Having access to ECommergy is like being given access to attend a wealth creation conference hosted by Warren Buffet, Bill Gate, Dr Kiyosaki and the rest of the big guns. In ECommergy, you have access to the best of articles and videos recorded on wealth creation, business building and survival tips, entrepreneurship, marketing etc. ECommergy is a subscription-based solution pack. But you get unlimited access to it FREE for 30 days just for purchasing a LaunchPack as a new affiliate.

3.  3. To partake in Astro Auction, you need T-Credits. 1 T-Credit is sold for $1.98 at the Triple-Clicks Store (SFI Ecommerce store). But here, you’re given access to play Astro Auction free for your first 10 days (1 for each day). In Astro Auction, no one loses. If you don’t win the item(s) being auctioned, you would still win constellation prizes, which include rewardical tokens.

4.  4. 40 T-Credits! That’s massive! Remember 1 T-Credit is $1.98. How much is then 40 T-Credits if you’re to buy them singles? You got all these for purchasing LaunchPack as a new affiliate. T-Credits can be used in many ways, but I will always suggest you use it in playing Astro Auction, where you can win great prizes, including the rewardical tokens.
5.  5. 50 Rewardical tokens. You can see that I have mentioned rewardical tokens many times here. What is it? Rewardical token is money. And there are over 15 free ways to earn rewardicals in SFI, as long as you’re active. 
Converting rewardicals to cash: 606 Rewardicals= $1, which can be instantly converted to cash in any of the following ways:
§  Withdraw as Bitcoin into your Bitcoin wallet
§  Withdraw to your Payoneer Mastercard or Paypal Account
§  Withdraw as Gift Certificate to be used for personal purchases from the store (TripleClicks store)

   Ã¼   Create a blog (just a mini-ecommerce blog). We’ll help you create one if you need our assistance.
  ü   Promote all the products in the TripleClicks store. We have over 100,000 products in different categories. Each of these products can be shipped to virtually any part of the world.

     Any purchase from your affiliate link earns you a commission. Moreover, whoever that purchases through your affiliate link has become your Personally Referred Member (PRM)- you earn commissions on his/her subsequent purchases for life.


  ü   Build a team and earn in two fronts month after month. Once you build a team (which can be done via direct referral, purchase from the store, winning from Auctions, spillover from upline), you earn from that team in two fronts for life:

1.      Direct Commission: You earn 50% CV of all the purchases made by your team members each month

2.      Leadership Challenge: You earn each month for the progress in ranks made by your direct referrals


  ü   Plug into the Rewardicals Program

If you’re an active SFI member, there are over 15 ways to earn Rewardicals for free. You will get to know this more the moment you join. 

Besides, I am going to be your business manager.

You have everything it takes to create a lifetime wealth with SFI.

Do not postpone it! Start now by SIGNING UP HERE FREE!

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