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Thursday 9 August 2018

How Teachers and Schools can Profit from Video Creation as an e-learning tool

How schools and teachers can benefit from video lesson as an e-learning tool.

Video creation as a classroom engagement tool is one of the best and most popular digital tools for running a Virtual classroom as well as driving an e-learning experience in today’s education and learning.

Even schools that are not yet ready to go Virtual are nonetheless encouraged to integrate video lesson in their conventional brick and mortar classroom structure. This is because, besides being an e-learning tool, video lesson can effectively serve other purposes that would profit the entire school system- management, staff and students.

There is a problem!

A lot of schools, especially here in Africa have this myopic misinformation that embracing e-learning is such a white elephant project that is not worth trying in the first place; hence there is this natural resistance anytime the issue of e-learning is raised.

But I will want to correct this error by pointing out three things so significant and certain.

One, e-learning and everything that has to do with technology-driven education has come to stay that any schoolresisting this inevitable paradigm shift will at best be preparing to go intoextinction.

Two, e-learning, as against the popular belief, is more cost-effective than the conventional system in use today. At the earlier stage, you might incur training and setup cost, but the moment it is set up, you’re good to go. A lot of tools for setting up e-learning platforms for schools are just free, yet quality tools.

Three, There are so much benefits in embracing e-learning in this century as outlined in this post.

Back to the issue at hand- video lesson. In what way can it profit a school?

We are going to look at the benefits and uses of video lesson in two ways: Academic and Financial

Academic Benefits

#1. With video lesson, teachers can send the videos of their classroom work to students to learn over and over again. With this, even the dumbest child watching the video and listening to the teacher severally would have leant.

#2. Video lesson also helps to keep away school children from those unprofitable things they do with their computers. Here, they are with their computers, but doing something beneficial.

#3. It enhances creative thinking ability in school children.

#4. The more students keep learning with video lesson, the more enthusiastic they are to creating their own videos, thereby improving IT consciousness in schools.

#5. With video lesson, teachers can have more time to attend to other pressing engagements, while playing the video for their students.

#6. With video lesson, teachers can self-test themselves. What do I mean by this? The same way football players watch the video clip of their last match to assess their performance index… that’s it! By the time a teacher goes through his/her video lesson records for the class, it will help him/her to identify areas that can be improved upon.

#7. Video lesson clips may be all that a school manager needs to assess each teacher’s class presentation ability- how the teacher is able to accommodate all the learners’ group in his/her lesson delivery.

#8. The benefits are endless, which include accessibility, interaction, lasting solution and global reach.

Monetary Benefits

Teachers and schools can monetize video lessons in more than three ways:

-          Convert to CD: Videos created for a particular class can be converted to a CD and be sold to students and parents in many other places.

-          Youtube videos: Simply create a Youtube channel (free for Gmail account holders) and monetize them with Google Adsense.

-          Online tutorial: The videos created can as well be used for online tutorial. Check outthis post to see how to launch an online tutorial site on low budget.

-          Video blogging (Vlogging): Schools and teachers can as well create a video blog (vlogging) for their videos and monetize their blog traffic with Google Adsense, other ads network and affiliate marketing. You can check out this blog as an example (OnlineMath-Tutor blog).

You can see that there is so much to gain creating video lessons, even if your still is still operating the brick and mortar classroom structure.

In our next post, I will be sharing powerful tools, many of which are free, that you can effectively use to create powerful video lessons.

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